If You Or Someone You know Has Blount's Disease, I Really Want To Hear From You! Please Email Me!

Now, there is a place to go... Now, we are no longer alone...


Sunday, January 23, 2011


I want my Reader's to know that the reason for this blog isn't only to raise awareness for Blount's Disease. I DESPERATELY want to network with other families who are affected by Blount's.

I haven't yet met one other person with this Disease.

If you have any questions, or if you know someone with Blount's....Please contact me!

My Email address is KiraHudson82@bresnan.net


  1. Hi Kira,
    I thought you might be interested in a support group I found on Facebook for those affected by Blount's. It is a closed group with what looks like five members. It is http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_185488391470046
    I hope you meet some people you can connect with!

  2. Meghan~ Thank you so much! I was unaware of this group... I've searched for blount's before... but not "Blountz"... who knew? Thank you SO much!
